Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-03-06

  • @georgiawebgurl It was delicious … best Brunswick stew I've ever had. #
  • Have a very bad feeling about today. Email server down, web sites won't load and now MarsEdit keeps crashing. Definitely a Monday. #
  • @redsweater MarsEdit crashes seem to have been a network issue here, but nice customer support – thanks. Happily blogging again. #
  • @JM_Sullivan I am not right about everything, but do know a few things. Step ladders and changes of clothes are good to have in your car. #
  • Well, this is a first: spiders force an auto recall. #
  • I'm getting the sense that I need to attend #SXSWi this year so I know what to do next year … #toomanychoices #
  • Also: Concerned I'll be the kid with the "old" iPad @SXSW … but I bet the lines will be short at registration on Friday morning. #