Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-17

  • Irony: Recording a vlog on microphones and having a mic fail … a sign I should stick to @Kodak Tri-X? #
  • @HondoMesa If it calls you, then go – it's time to paint. #
  • @thepeche Venza: Functional, weird styling. Highlander: Functional, boring as all snot. Pilot: Functional, not as boring. All bulletproof. #
  • Hey, did I just break Flickr? Excellent … #
  • Thunder claps from the north, thunder claps from the south … fun breakfast out here on the porch. No rain yet. Oh, there's the lightning. #
  • Study that should be done: Blood pressure when entering and exiting post office. #
  • Whoa … @khoi strikes again, this is gorgeous: #
  • Old school. RT: @SaraDCaldwell: Yes, a rubber band is holding a business card on my strobe. Whatever works. #