Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-07-24

  • Firing up an old G4 Mac Mini and … whoa, this thing is slow … did we really work like this? #
  • @thepeche I still have a G3 tower here … not sure why, but I do. Also, a 4 MB Compact Flash card if you need a really, really small one. #
  • Student has gotten ahold of a 35 mm camera and … wants to know … where to buy film. #omgitusedtobesoldeverywherebutshehasneverseenit #
  • @Poynter presentation built, MBP updated with Lion, batteries charging everywhere, cables collected. Wait…clothes. I should pack clothes. #
  • Looked in cockpit as I boarded and saw the pilot had a notepad with the flight number AND destination on it. No @AAA TripTik visible, tho. #
  • @NPR is working on a Pandora-esque player for news stories. That would totally rock. Can they also do a function? #tplza #
  • Can you *teach* curiosity? Or can you only inspire it? (Insert the, "You can lead a horse to water …" line.) #tplza #
  • RT: @VizJournalism: Now online: Digital Literacy #tplza #
  • Text Expander link: #tplza #
  • There's a Charlie Brooker Snow Report video, too: #tplza #