Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-08-07

  • @thepeche Please don't add photos to that Tumblr idea. Please. #
  • Whoa. Very cool. Loads in Chrome only. RT: @reginajmc: When I grow up, I want to be OK Go and play with HTML5: #
  • @HondoMesa Go for Goudy Old Style – look at the dots on the i and j – subtle bit of class there. #
  • Girl Child is practicing flute upstairs, dog is barking madly downstairs. Ahh, the peaceful days of summer. #
  • @barryhollander Well, the dog is in tune but has no rhythm and the Girl Child isn't in tune but has some semblance of rhythm. Toss up? #
  • Had a better blog photo today, but this was kind of fun … #
  • @RebeccaBurns When I went to college, everything fit in a Honda CIvic hatchback…all the U-Hauls in town make me wonder what I was missing. #