- Heading to the backyard soon to wake up Tweetie. Time to get ready for camping season. (Yes, the tow vehicle is called Sylvester.) #
- Cruelty: Biz office handed me a box from Apple because they knew I was waiting for my iPad. And it was someone else's stuff … arghh. #
- Okay, I obviously need a new computer because rendering a 30 minute video can be done in under 45 minutes on a faster machine, right? #
- (Ready to hear students whimper?) Okay, class, today's Keynote presentation has … 146 slides in it. Bring an extra pen … #
- @macloo It's Stupid Photographer Tricks day in photojournalism (aka the ethics lesson). There are probably fewer than 200 words in it. in reply to macloo #
- Message w/ questions about photojournalism on the machine today from a "gifted program" kid. Who didn't leave a school name or phone number. #
- Accepting that I must move the ethics lecture to earlier in the semester in the fall, for both the CS5 issue and subject choice problems. #