I made a promise to make more stuff this year. I am failing. Miserably.
My goal was to make four things a week – images, videos, audio, deep pieces of philosophical slander … whatever I could come up with. Have I made four things this month?
I made a promise to make more stuff this year. I am failing. Miserably.
My goal was to make four things a week – images, videos, audio, deep pieces of philosophical slander … whatever I could come up with. Have I made four things this month?
… he would obviously do it in an Airstream Basecamp.
Last month I wrote a bit about the “Four Circles of Hell” and the start of our search for replacement cars. Phases one, two and three two have been completed, but phase four is not going so well.
(For the record, phases one and two were combined when we traded in my Subaru for a Honda Ridgeline, providing us with a vehicle that can tow and haul people and stuff in a massive amount of comfort. Phase three happened on Thursday when our trusty truck, Declan, went to a new home.)
I’m in Tennessee for a two day meeting of the Intercollegiate Online News Network. They met once before last year, so I’m still catching up.
There are couple of purely photographic sites I visit that are all about abandoned stuff. I don’t know why I like stuff that has almost fallen down and been forgotten, maybe it’s just unrepentant nostalgia.
Walking into my office the other day, this seemed eerily reminiscent of some of those photos I stare at.
Home, at last.
I love to travel. I love to see new places, meet new people. I love to see old places and people just as much, which was what the last two weeks was all about – catching up.