The great family vacation has begun, after four days on the road.
Our first stop was to see family in Massachusetts, a two day haul from our Georgia home. We got in Friday afternoon and chased the nephews around for a while, then spent Saturday seeing my mom and the evening with some friends. Sunday was spent seeing my other brother, fetching the kids, seeing some other friends, dropping the kids at the first brother’s house so they could chase their cousins around, heading back to the hospital to see mom, then packing up for a Monday morning departure.
Which involved a six hour tow into the Adirondack Park, where we learned our camper leaks when being towed in the rain …
Ahhh, vacation.
Of course, 24 hours out from seeing family and friends, it’s crystal clear it wasn’t enough time. Three nights just went by in a blur – there was some checkers with a nephew, some time by the swings, some attempts at getting them to eat the zucchini we brought from our own garden … and then we were off. In a blur.

Canon EOS 5D Mark II, EF 35 mm f/1.4 L USM, ISO 640, 1/800, f/1.4