- Still wonder why the lowest guy on the totem pole builds the department's technology budgets each year, but it seems to be working out. #
- RT: @NPPA: Mourners Attack News Crew After Fatal Shooting – http://t.co/3HzPGb5 #
- Hey, look at UGA PJ alum @jmariephotog on MSNBC.com: http://t.co/K2SXcHe #
- @SaraDCaldwell @fmicklow @amarsh01 @sarahclundgren Recommend #UGAPJ #
- WHOA. Want. Thunderbolt. http://t.co/VRd6peI #
- @VizJournalism: Now online: ICONN Conference – March 24-25 http://t.co/mQ5XuEt #
- Students are asking where to find a six pack of "editor voodoo dolls." #jour5370 #ugapj #
Category: Short Thoughts
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-20
- Q Rocks! RT @HondoMesa: About to start research methods class… Q methodology anyone? #
- The Small Boy just ogled a stainless steel tool chest at Sears. #ilikebeingaparent #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-13
- I know this feeling … http://t.co/OhOTKXh #
- Great news, sad news: An excellent former student was just accepted into law school, which means she wont be shooting anymore. Which sucks. #
- @masiclat: Sweet Deal! RT @newsycombinator: Interest in 3D animation? Get Messiah Studio Pro for $40 ($1200 retail value) http://j.mp/fAwjwk #
- Best NYT correction ever? http://legendsrumors.blogspot.com/2011/02/no-one-can-predict-flying-cow.html #
- My office smells like chocolate. I'm either having a stroke or found my wife's paradise. For her sake, I hope it's a stroke … #
- One for the kids … #DocDonuts #JOUR5370 http://yfrog.com/h4q5iufj #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-02-06
- Get Registered!! RT @jeffreypix: Wow its open now too! DON'T FORGET ★Registration opens ★ 9AM EST ★ ★ http://t.co/CgFiMmC ★ #
- RT @VizJournalism: Now online: WHOA! Massive Photo Mechanic Sale http://visualjournalism.info/?p=2644 #
- Best car commercial of the year: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R55e-uHQna0&feature=player_embedded #
- @thepeche I would only care if the award came in a 12 inch, graham cracker crust. Which it hasn't, and it probably won't, but I'm okay. #
- @Mir @thepeche Being greedy for homemade pie is PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE. #
- @thepeche @Mir We may need, um. 3.14 moments … #
- Excellent irony. RT @jmariephotog: Look @markejohnson my first ironic sign picture http://yfrog.com/h8rbwzyj #
- Best T-shirt of the day. West Jackson Intermediate School team wore these at an academic team competition. http://twitpic.com/3wx97p #
Weather (Alt)
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-30
- @JM_Sullivan It is true – #JOUR5370 has a 15-1 female-male ratio. Again. You'd think by centering a class on auto racing we'd get more guys. #
- I don't think of myself as trendy, fashionable or even much of a consumerist. But, holy cow, do I want this: http://t.co/r5AsWj7 #
- Hey, I don't think that should be there … http://twitpic.com/3t4nl6 #
- Some people dream of a Porsche at midlife, some a boat. Me? An Airsteam. http://tinyurl.com/6xe5tfb #
- As God as my witness, I am going to start teaching elementary school math lessons to our students if they don't learn how to subtract soon. #
- Just informed that The Rapture won't be catered and that we should stockpile food. Not sure I am okay with that. #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-01-23
- And this is only scratching the surface … @l3ahb3tan: 11 ridiculous piece of advice published in newspapers: http://t.co/VI7DCip #
- RT @vhernandezcnn: Great #Google homepage image this morning honoring 50th anniversary of JFK's inaugural address http://twitpic.com/3rowcm #
- At last … good news in the in-box, a great student has landed a great job. One I am jealous of. #
- Bad day: Poor story choice, culturally insensitive headline and a moronic column in todays paper. PLUS I saw a student walking in a Snuggie. #
- @FakeAPStylebook: Print names of all kids who win things so relatives don't complain. Never print any child's name because that's dangerous. #
- I am missing my big monitor this morning, this MBP screen seems so small … and I remember when laptops had 8 inch, 640×480 screens. #
- Just in time for spring break listening! RT @caa2410: R.E.M.'s new album – Collapse into Now, the Trailer http://t.co/XLbd286 via @youtube #
- Can I get an AMEN? RT @yelvington: I know Google means we don't have to actually know things any more, but let's not abuse that, OK? #