I know, I know … but, you see, classes started … and then the committee meetings started … and then the disease epidemic at home started … and, really, I have been making frames. They just haven’t made it through the FireWire or USB connections.
Until now … so, um, here’s sort of what my life has felt like for the last few weeks.
I redid the syllabus for my intro course and am teaching a new course that’s half photo/half design, but the first two weeks overlap a bit. So they both got a new assignment – Nouns and Verbs. And since one class is using a new camera that I haven’t shot with, I decided I should shoot this assignment. Twice. Similar subject, two different cameras, same lens model (one brand new, one five years old), 24 hours apart. Color saturation in the newer camera is pretty intense, but I think the auto white balance was playing games … should really shoot them in raw and process equally, see what happens.
Anyway – twisted chain link with a railroad backdrop for you …

Canon EOS Digital Rebel, Tamron 28-75 mm f/2.8, ISO 400, 1/640, f/2.8

Canon EOS Digital Rebel, Tamron 28-75 mm f/2.8, ISO 400, 1/320, f/4.0

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi, Tamron 28-75 mm f/2.8, ISO 400, 1/60, f/8.0

Canon EOS Digital Rebel XSi, Tamron 28-75 mm f/2.8, ISO 400, 1/60, f/8.0
And, I have to say … that bokeh, for an inexpensive lens, ain’t that bad.
That was actually the first zoom lens I got for my camera. Works well for the price. Now to save up for the Canon equivalent…