One of my favorite folkies, John Gorka, penned an awesome line years ago:
I don’t feel like a train anymore, I feel like the tracks
It has stuck with me for years, just rumbling around in the back of my brain. I understand that line, a little more this month than others, I guess. Things are kind of weird off in the distance, a lot of feelings that have been pent up a long time are starting to leak out. Things I’ve done for others for a long time have been forgotten and decisions – unpopular decisions – that I’ve made of late are being used as some sort of ammunition.
It sucks. Just saying.
So, in honor of Gorka’s craftsmanship, I offer this:
I don’t feel like a door anymore, I feel like the stop.

Canon G10, 14 mm, ISO 200, 1/6, F/3.5