Headed in to work just as the sun was starting to warm the world. Not quite a frost, but a heavy dew was just letting go of it’s grasp on some car windshields.

Canon EOS 5D, EF 16-35 mm f/2.8 L USM, ISO 250, 1/60, f/7.1
Headed in to work just as the sun was starting to warm the world. Not quite a frost, but a heavy dew was just letting go of it’s grasp on some car windshields.
Canon EOS 5D, EF 16-35 mm f/2.8 L USM, ISO 250, 1/60, f/7.1
“This entry was posted on Thursday, November 13th, 2008 at 7:13 am” ???
No way this was taken today- The sun’s not even up yet!
Whoa, why does your site think it’s 7:32 when it’s actually 5:25? Thanks for making me go check all my clocks to make sure i wasn’t crazy…
Was shot a day or two ago, no where was it implied it was today.
Time offset from UTC has been updated now.
Yeah, that’s what i get for letting myself post things at 5:anything in the morning. I didn’t mean to sound accusatory. I also forgot to mention what a great picture it is!