
Movement, originally uploaded by MarkEJohnson.

When it comes to teaching in the technical areas, we spend a lot of time on workflow issues, the process of creating, archiving and indexing the elements upon which we build. If students get that stuff right early on, it let’s us move into the much more important ideas of why we crate and for whom.

But, as the semester winds down, there is a palpable panic in the air around some students. A tension because they can’t find something they need, they didn’t pay attention to sone details along the way. For others, the end can be almost … relaxing. They learned, they followed directions and they can take a little break, breathe a little easier, concentrate on the big picture because all the little pictures are where they belong.

The process doesn’t matter, but it is important.

One Comment

  1. The devil is always in the details. If you plan and budget your time properly, projects always run smoother. This has been learned from 35+ years of construction project management. One axiom is always true however. If you do not have the time to do it right you will have to find the time to do it over.

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