Queen Vic Market

Melbourne, Australia

Wandere dback to the Queen Victoria Market, set up in part as a flea market and in part as a produce, meats and cheeses space. I should have brought a big bag to buy groceries with, but it was a hefty hike back to the apartment.

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Library Visit

Melbourne, Australia

Wandered over to the State Library Victoria which has a wonderful Domed Reading Room, truly spectacular. There was also a photo exhibition up with a unique way of showing the images – two walls, onto one was projected the image and on the other how the image is handled or stored.

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Late Afternoon Walk

Melbourne, Australia

I had a few hours late in the day to get out and stretch. I met two police officers outside the Parliament Building and we had a 45 minute conversation about the state of the states, both American and Australian. They pointed me towards a plaque of some U.S. president.

Then stopped and talked for a while with a hydrogen power engineer who was in town for a conference. If I’d had more time, I might have followed her to the conference, sounded fascinating.

Walking further, I came across Captain Cook’s cottage, the Old Treasury Building and back past Parliament House where someone was burning something very casually.

Dinner was a salad without a little bit of everything.

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Sight Seeing

Melbourne, Australia

Most of my work was done early in the day, that left the afternoon for a very long walk. It ended at the Victoria Winter Night Market, but started at the Royal Exhibition Building and Melbourne Museum. The REB was built in 1879 for major exhibitions and is still in use today, having been a mass-vaccination site during the pandemic. There are tours, but none available until long after I’m gone. I did sneak a peak through the cracks of a doorway.

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

This is a little bonus, perhaps my new favorite monument – erected completely out of spite.

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Night on the Town

Melbourne, Australia

What may be my only night during Women’s World Cup group play that I don’t need to edit, I got lucky – a fellow I know through work back in Georgia told me his favorite aunt lived in Melbourne and he connected me. Whenever I travel, I love getting to meet new people and talk with them about their lives.

His aunt brought her husband, two sons and a daughter-in-law along. This could have gone horribly wrong, but we ended up talking for nearly four hours. It was a spectacular evening.

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

On the Pitch

Melbourne, Australia

After looking at the schedule, this was the only day where I felt I could get down on the pitch and make some photos myself. I requested a ticket and was able to spend the first half behind a camera, reliving a little of my last Women’s World Cup, 24 years ago.

Would I have made an editor happy? Maybe? I haven’t practiced this as much as my kids have, so they clearly outshot me. But I don’t think I would have been fired.

Germany beat Morocco, 6-0.

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Melbourne, Australia

Together, Alone

Melbourne, Australia

Today, Morocco’s Nouhaila Benzine walked onto the pitch at the Melbourne Rectangular Stadium for a familiarization. Tomorrow, she may become the first player to wear a hijab during FIFA competition.

After MD-1 activities, I took the long way home and found some lost souls.

Melbourne, Australia