Athens, Georgia
The girls are home to do menu tastings, happy to help with that.
Athens, Georgia
The girls are home to do menu tastings, happy to help with that.
Athens, Georgia
Putting together more honor cords, getting them ready to parade about the stadium in full regalia.
Atlanta, Georgia
A run to the airport to fetch the Girl Child and her bride-to-be, home for the weekend.
Athens, Georgia
Convocaiton for the college today, we paraded a bunch across the stage and sent them on their way, families in tow with cameras at the ready.
Athens, Georgia
Athens, Georgia
Athens, Georgia
Athens, Georgia
Athens, Georgia
Built and building.
Athens, Georgia
Athens, Georgia
There’s some family-building going on. Goose is not impressed.
Athens, Georgia
Oconee County, Georgia
Was working around the concrete and found the pressure washer had seized over the winter, off to replace with an electric one. This means I have one gas-powered tool left, the mower, and that’s a little too pricey to replace right now.
Athens, Georgia