The end of the semester has come. Grading is done, the office closed up for a few weeks. Went to the college’s convocation ceremony to say farewell to “my kids.” (Though several snuck off before I had a chance to wish them well, but the few I got to see were worth the effort.)
I’m also nearing the end of my time with Kodak’s Zi8 (review to be posted over on the Visual Journalism site sometime this week). And I have to say it is almost – almost – everything I had hoped for. It has some faults, but I’m hoping they’ll get corrected in the next generation camera.
So two more graphic frames, both from outside of Hodgson Hall before our event. My life has been a search for patterns, it seems. At least visually. For my students, the pattern of their life is about to change tremendously. And that, in the parlance of my era and original locale, is a wicked awesome thing.

Kodak Zi8, 6.3 mm, ISO 50, 1/4096, f/2.8

Kodak Zi8, 6.3 mm, ISO 50, 1/362, f/2.8