Working on the April 1 rally, sometimes you find little treasures.
Tag: 1-4-365-4-46
Yellowed Pages
Was helping move the SCCA Atlanta Region’s office, the building they were in has been sold and will be gutted. Looks like some of the units have been quiet for a while.
Settling In
We are a few weeks in to the spring semester, the newness has been worn down a little and the routine is settling in.
After Hours
An end-of-day gathering of non-tenure track faculty, at which I slowly became enraged at the “non” part of that. Feeling othered, again.
Low light raking across the parking lot highlights years of changing patterns.
Lamps to Lollipops
The late afternoon light on this campus is spectacular, turning lampposts into lollipops.
Took a back way from the student center to the parking lot, out behind Memorial Hall, just as the sun was falling. A little junction box, stuck to the old building, wire dangling.
Funny how current times mirror the past. Memorial Hall was conceived in 1903, construction began in 1910 but halted when funds ran out, not to be completed until 1925.