At some point it just gets easier to replace the mailbox, doesn’t it?
Tag: 1-4-365-4-47
Young Tourists
We had more than 100 elementary school kids in the college today, learning about what we do and why we do it.
Spring is in the air, but may be leaving a bad taste in some folks mouths. We headed to our friend’s annual inappropriate Sunday party where there were salted eggs from China …
After the last few weeks, I needed some time to unwind … so, I mowed and trimmed shrubs and cleaned all the patio furniture because, let’s face it, spring in Georgia is just disgusting.
I did order covers for all the furniture, though none of them match and I really don’t care if it’ll keep that blasted pollen off of them.
Daytime Crossing
I don’t go downtown as much as I should. It’s a short walk from my office, the food choices are pretty good and I could use the exercise.
Coffee shop meeting with some colleagues, then wandered around a bit before heading back. I have mixed feelings about street photography, mostly because I’ve never been either good or comfortable at it, but I keep trying.
Wired Up
A lot of new wiring going in as part of the dean’s suite renovation, sometimes they run it through the ceilings, sometimes the floors and, today, just through an open doorway.
White on White
I had a meeting at Emory University to talk about the Georgia Climate Project that I’m part of. Never been to Emory, though I’ve been in the area several times. Didn’t get to see much, but would like to wander around again.