Nothing like time in a lawyer’s waiting room … and then coming home to find your AC has decided to give up the ghost on a Friday afternoon. For the record, this is the second AC unit at the house to fail this year, joining the truck.
Tag: 1-4-366-4-45
Set Up
Even in the summer, there’s a string of events going on, all requiring different setups around the building.
Not entirely sure why we were supposed to avoid the middle of a shrub, but we did.
Slaid Cleaves
Twenty years ago, I saw Slaid Cleaves perform in Boston (I think, it was a long time ago). Saw him again at the Newport Folk Festical and he came to Athens to perform for about seven people a decade ago, hasn’t been back since. A friend suggested we head to Decatur to see him and I was all in.
Great show, including walking the audience at the end.
Marvin Shoe Service
Scouting around town again.
New and old, one will get baked into something delicious, I’m sure.
Joy Joy
Ice cream on a hot afternoon, it is a joy.