My college has a reputation for being the loudest at the university’s graduation ceremony. I don’t know why they put those Grady kids right up front, and I suspect many of my faculty colleagues wish they wouldn’t.
Tag: 1-4-366-4-45
Many of the colleges and schools that make up the university had their convocation ceremonies today, which meant lots of photos at the Arch. Some even brought their Uga imposters.
Rock, Chaulk
For reasons that elude me, we decided to refresh the landscaping in the back yard. By adding 10,000 pounds of rocks to it. Which sounds nice, until you have to shovel it into a wheel barrow, roll it down a path, dump it and push it around. For eight hours …
Concrete and Foliage
Pollen season has passed and the world is greening up nicely.
Under Construction
Both of the dining commons near our building closed for construction. One is minor, this one is major. But it does limit the lunch options.
This Way
Simple directions to follow.
Right Angles
Not the first time these red carts have caught my eye. Probably won’t be the last.