Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-12-13

  • My house just started to smell good … so either someone's baking or I'm having a stroke. Hoping for the baking … #
  • Half of my reading for the day done … but I do seem to have used up more than half the day … hrmm … #
  • So, the "University of Southyern MIssissippi" is looking for faculty according to the Chronicle for Higher Education. Also, proofreaders. #
  • So when the trade magazine for your industry goes out of business, that's a problem, right? #
  • @jakeforddaniels I can grade your portfolio you so you'd have to come back … in reply to jakeforddaniels #
  • Seven hours and 45 minutes to deadline … why is there only one student in the lab? #
  • Fifteen minutes to deadline … egads, why are they still here? #