Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-12-12

  • Worried that @sarahclundgren is planning a "5 hour trip to the photo lab" … which is only open another 4 hours … #
  • Emily Gomez will be so pleased … RT @sethgitner: Great twitter iphone/ipad parody #
  • Best weather quote: “Why is it so cold? It’s called winter.” #
  • Double checking grades and attendance … have a student who will drop from an A- to a C from late arrivals and absences. Really? #
  • RT @justinide: NYT's puts Joao Silva "On Staff" after losing his legs for them. Right move by the Gray Lady! #
  • This is a first: "My dog chewed up my USB drive …" I feel like I should have heard this one by now … #
  • Phew … everyone made deadline today … #
  • So when you have a 7:45 a.m. doctor's appointment and the office is closed at 7:40 … um … yeah. #worriedhowthisdaywillgo #
  • Thought about "checking in" at the MRI office, options were Dunkin Donuts, Subway or Chil-fil-A. Which all helped me get here, but…uh, no. #