Twitter Weekly Updates for 2010-12-26

  • @KarenRussell @jfrickuga You know, some of us finished it last week, so we can loaf around with popcorn tonight. #
  • @jfrickuga @KarenRussell For the record, grades were done before the flu swept through. Tho I do love that 140 character essay idea … #
  • RT @NASAKennedy: The lunar eclipse hovers over the top of space shuttle Discovery at Launch Pad 39A. #
  • RT The Crouse chimes are ringing to honor each of the 35 @SyracuseU students lost 22 years ago on Pan Am Flight 103. #
  • Listening to , you can download the new EP for free … and you should. #
  • The new book for my Intro to PJ course was just released as an iPad app: Sweet, and thanks @JoeMcNallyPhoto #
  • I suppose being followed by wannabe porn stars on Twitter is better than being followed by them in person … but it's still pretty creepy. #
  • Whoa … RT @khoi: Just caught wind of this shockingly beautiful gravestone for Factory impresario Tony Wilson #