Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-05-15

  • Looking at student multimedia pieces from other classes this morning, we seem to have a big problem on what constitutes "fair use." #
  • Teaching is a lot like watching TV in the 70s: The signal goes out just fine, but not everyone's antenna is pointed in the right direction. #
  • I love baseball and all, but photo 14 here is insane: #
  • And the big clock goes on the screen, deadline at 5. #
  • RT: @markejohnson fantastic, nice big user-friendly graphic! in the real world there are only terse emails and angry phone calls, kids. #
  • Everyone made deadline. Only a few tears, no blood shed. On to grading … ugh. #
  • I am reviewing the most horrible text book proposal ever. It's patronizing, arrogant and out of touch – and that's just the first two pages. #
  • "How would you describe this book to colleagues?" Good trees died in vain. Maybe I shouldn't be a book reviewer … #
  • Pool is open. Sort of. #
  • Spending almost $50 to fill up a Volkswagen Golf seems crazy. Missing my 1982 Civic a bit. #
  • Totally made my day. RT @SaraDCaldwell: Told ya I'd do it. #
  • Every time I use MarsEdit, I learn something new. Today, Command-Shift-D sends a post live – same key stroke as sending in Apple's Mail. #
  • To the students … you should be following @vizjournalism for industry info. (Yes, shameless self promotion there.) #
  • @redsweater Not learned in panic. Finished writing & my fingers did they usually do. Had I read the instructions, woulda known sooner. #
  • @brandilarsen AP, AFP, Reuters, etc. lost a chance to stand up – they should have been refusing to shoot these long ago. (Said curmudgeonly) #
  • Need to get that emphasis on there, don't I? Next project. RT @SaraDCaldwell: My name, duh #graduation #docdonuts #