Twitter Weekly Updates for 2011-09-11

  • @fmicklow So have you converted on your donut preferences? #
  • You know, if this teaching thing doesn't work out I could totally do entry-level tech support. #
  • Really @CNN? This was the best photo you could find? #onemorereasontohatestockphotography #
  • This gave even me a headache … #
  • Well, that didn't take long … first assignment, first squirrel picture. There's a twist: this one is, uh, post-mortem. #
  • And now we have the first pigeon on a step of the semester. Record for that, I believe. If I kept them … Okay for practice, never publish. #
  • Whoa … first semester student, first assignment … sweet light, worked a subject, tried lots of angles, great tech. #thisiswhyiteach #
  • Also, that student? Shot almost three times as many frames as next most. Quantity doesn't equal quality, but practice certainly helps. #
  • Second class' critiques starting … and I have someone up on a chair shooting. I haven't even mentioned stepladders yet in class. #ugavj #
  • Woowho! The new @slaidc double CD showed up today. And it comes with its own coasters! Which I'll probably never use, but they're still cool #
  • It's time to shoot some football! #ugavj is out for the first-ever #gradysports workshop. #
  • #gradysports writers prep. #
  • Waiting for the start. #gradysports #ugavj #