- I bet if I taught a writing class, I'd eventually hear this: http://t.co/yyOLA90r #
- Peace. http://t.co/Pv4EQ8va #
- Fossilized. http://t.co/L8WrCoNS #
- Standing at the intersection of poor quality control and poor customer service. I never should have left the orchard. #
- 1-I didn't know they still made these. 2-Pretty sure that's not a digital recorder. 3-This is a best selling device? http://t.co/pv4GWQ9b #
Mark you would not only hear the grammatical error comment but a student complaining about her grade of a B because she wrote a three page analysis for a one page analysis requirement. This person is a graduate student at UGA. If you were teaching 1101 students though, (I can not see you tolerating 1101 students (no offense)) you would get this all the time, they think they know everything and a lot of time dislike being academically criticized.