There may be another video at some point, not sure I like it enough … but two driving scenes, through the windshield of Sylvester, same day, same general area … different levels of snow clearing in effect.
The Central New York region is one of the cloudiest in America and, oddly, it’s one of the reasons I liked living there so much. The gray days were easy on my light-sensitive eyes and, when the clouds broke, the blue was just unbelievable when contrasted against a fresh white landscape.
And when the blue started to slide away, the subtle shades of gray came back. With no overpowering color you see those hints with so much more clarity, I think. Your eye searches for detail where there is little and, occasionally, finds something worth looking at.

Canon G10, 11 mm, ISO 80, 1/1250, f/3.2

Canon G10, 18 mm, ISO 125, 1/250, f/5.0